Embedded below is Part 1 of Transistori's performance at The Factory of Toppila, which I assume to be located somewhere in Finland, as well as info from the Youtube page.
Transistori is a percussion group from Oulu, Finland. Specialized in self-made instruments built from scrap and recycled material. Transistori's music is improvisation, which requires listening to the other group members and knowing their playing style by heart.
The Shooting took place in a closed power plant at the Toppila cellulose factory built in the 1930's
Transistori was challenged to play the old factory hall and utilize the sounds found there, as well as their own instruments.
The documentary is divided into three parts. Each part consists of one set. The sets were recorded on six cameras and twenty microphones. No overdubs have been made.
The documentary uses visual means to explore the true essence of Transistori behind the soundscapes and rhythms.
Director: Ilmari Huttu-Hiltunen
Performers: Otto Byström, Jouni Haapakoski, Pekka Heinonen, Jaakko Jokipii, Aki Latvamäki, Olli Miettinen, Lauri Sallamo
All four parts are definitely worth checking out if you enjoy Part 1 of the "sound documentary." Visit the full playlist here: http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=6DDF9AAB1DC665F2
More on Aki Latvamäki (aka Artificial Latvamäki) can be found at his personal site and Facebook artist page.